6 Keys to Forgiving Your Mate – Forgiveness for Couples

Any two partners will have problems and irritations that arise between them. Our mate will be unpleasant at times, unthinking, irritable, and perhaps even rude. One thing or another has them preoccupied or self focused, and easily triggered. Same for us. So they, or we, are going to offensive in some small or big ways.

If we can’t let these irritations and infractions go, then we can build up a lot of frustration, anger and hurt. We can get stuck in a negative cycle of making them wrong and obsessing over their faults.

This is why forgiveness is a vital relationship skill. It is essential to staying happy in a relationship and being in love instead of out of it.

So how can you forgive when they hurt your feelings and you can’t seem to let it go?  Here are six simple points:

  1. You are bound to take it personally when they are triggered by something and taking it out on you.
  2. After the incident is over and you have calmed down, see if you can stop taking it personally.
  3. Realize they were doing the best they could at the time.
  4. Understand that it wasn’t about you. They got triggered, you were the momentary target.
  5. How they acted is on them. How you respond is on you!
  6. The more we can let unpleasant things go, the happier we’ll be!

With practice, you can get better at letting things go and getting to forgiveness more quickly. It is a worthwhile skill to develop that can help you to live happily ever after.  Your relationship will give you plenty of opportunities to practice!  Go here for a short video on more keys to a great relationship.
