The Best Wise Words to Come From Calvin and Hobbes

wise words

The Best Wise Words to Come From Calvin and Hobbes

Sometimes, the best advice comes from the most unexpected places. We’re showing you the wise words written in the beloved cartoon, Calvin and Hobbes.

The Story of Calvin and Hobbes

In recent years, the sale of stuffed animals has generated over $1 billion in revenue – so it stands to reason that many of the people in your life have confided in their furry friends.

That’s the premise of Bill Waterson’s comic Calvin and Hobbes, which tells the story of six-year-old boy Calvin, and his stuffed tiger, Hobbes. Though the characters may be young (or just imagined altogether!) the strip is adored for its wise words and deep philosophical musing and insights into human nature.

On Uncertainty

“They say the world is a stage. But obviously the play is unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines.”

The takeaway from these wise words? Learn to embrace the unknown – that’s where the magic happens.

Also, take comfort in the fact that nobody else has any idea what they’re doing, either. It’s not just you that sometimes feels like you’re faking it until you make it.

On Friendship

“Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a best friend.”

Whether it’s your partner, a family member, or your BFF, when you’re facing a challenge in life, you don’t have to go through it alone.

Rely on advice, support, and love from those you care about to get through tough times. Make it clear they can rely on you, too.

On Living In The Moment

“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”

Between work, play, love, and the never-ending quest for “me time,” living in the moment can feel impossible. But not taking the time to appreciate what you have is often cited among the biggest regrets in life.

How have you stopped today?

On Keeping The Peace

“Actually, it’s hard to argue with someone who looks so happy.”

In today’s world especially, it can feel like all you hear is arguing. Whether it’s from the news, in a fight with your partner, or during a meeting with your boss: people are always either on the defensive or the offensive.

But if you try to go through life with a smile (even if you have to fake it for a while!) people will gravitate towards you, relax around you, and best of all, they won’t want to start a fight.

On Fate

“Life is full of surprises, but never when you need one.”

Sure, not all surprises are good: but they all offer us a lesson about ourselves, how we react to unexpected situations, and how we show our appreciation for whatever life throws our way.

Don’t give up when things get tough: you never know what’s waiting around the corner for you.

Our Parting Wise Words

The main lesson from Calvin and Hobbes? Learn to appreciate all that life has to offer: whether it’s throwing you curve balls or tossing flowers in your lap.

Learn to appreciate all that life has to offer: whether it’s throwing you curve balls or tossing flowers in your lap.

Sometimes, it’s the unexpected things in life that lead to the best memories. So go out there and start making your own today.
