10 Words of Wisdom Every Child Needs to Hear (and We Need to Remember)

words of wisdom

10 Words of Wisdom Every Child Needs to Hear (and We Need to Remember)


Over the millennia, sages wrote many books of wisdom.

Proverbs. Song of Songs. Letters From a Stoic. The Little Book of Calm.

But very few books of wisdom are written for children. And children will be the ones to carry our collective wisdom on without us.

Here you will find ten words of wisdom every child needs to hear.

1. Words Of Wisdom: This Too Shall Pass

The tincture of time.

Every time we sprain an ankle or break a bone, the doctor says, “tincture of time.” And it really does heal a lot of things.

Whatever troubles you are facing will end. Time has a tricky way of moving us past whatever we are going through. The event may seem interminable, but it’s not.

2. Childhood Is Precious, Don’t Waste It

We spend our childhood wishing we could grow up and have the freedom adults do.

But we don’t realize the freedom we already have. To play ceaselessly, to wander and explore and learn.

Everything is new in a child’s world. And it may seem like forever when you’re in it. But don’t waste your time there. Have fun.

3. Suck The Marrow Out Of Life

We may only live one life or we may live many.

But not knowing the outcome for sure means we should take advantage of every moment we have in this life.

Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.” And this you should do. Suck out all the marrow of life.

4. It’s Ok To Fail

When it comes to words of wisdom, the greatest of them tells us it’s ok to fail.

It’s ok to fall off the bike…as long as you get back on it. It’s ok to mess up on that piece of music, as long as you keep practicing.

Society has made it wrong to fail. We need to reverse the stigma and make it ok to fail again.

Failure is a part of life. Accept it and move on.

5. It’s Ok To Be By Yourself

Aloneness is something a lot of people don’t understand.

You can be absolutely alone and never feel lonely. And you can be in a crowd and be the loneliest person around.

Being by yourself, especially in nature, is healthy. It’s restorative. Go out into the woods or sit by the seaside. Contemplate life. Fill your soul with the world.

6. Say No Often

A lot of us have trouble with this one.

We want to please people. But we can’t please people all the time and be ourselves. There are times when you just have to say “no.”

You have to take care of yourself. Don’t get trapped into always saying yes when words of wisdom tell you to say no.

7. Be Uncomfortable Often

Awkwardness is a part of being human.

It may be an evolutionary trait or it may be a part of our survival instinct. But being uncomfortable is part of the experience.

And you can’t learn to be comfortable outside of your own little bubble unless you leave your bubble.

Associate with people you may not normally know. Feed the homeless. Hang out with the disabled.

You will quickly learn they are people just like you.

8. Treat The World Like A Video Game

If you’ve ever played an open world video game of some sort or tried virtual reality, you will know that every aspect of the world is something worth noting.

You read signs you would normally ignore in real life. You examine flowers and trees and wildlife as up close as the game allows.

In real life, we don’t do this. Most of the world passes us by completely unnoticed.

Notice the world around you. Be more present. You will see things you never noticed before.

9. Be Content

If you can learn to be content, you can gain the world.

10. Never Give Up On Your Dreams

The people who achieve their dreams aren’t lucky.

They work hard to attain what they wanted. Remember this, if you give up too soon, you won’t achieve your dreams.


Our wisdom will live beyond us. Let us pass it down so that all may benefit.

What words of wisdom would you have for the next generation? Let us know in the comments below. And, as always, be wise.

