How to Simplify the Pursuit of Happiness and Get What You Really Need

pursuit of happiness

How to Simplify the Pursuit of Happiness and Get What You Really Need

The pursuit of happiness is actually not rocket science. A lot of people place it above them at this unreachable height and they believe it is too far above their abilities for them to ever successfully reach.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Not for you.

You can reach your goals and achieve what you really need. You can reach happiness, not just pursue it.

How to Simplify the Pursuit of Happiness

To simplify the pursuit of happiness, I think you need to first work on simplifying your life.

To simplify your life, you need to take a close and honest look at yourself, your life, your priorities and your choices.

I think a great place to start is with your “things”. Start by taking an honest look at your possessions and belongings.

If you have a family and you’re all excited by the journey and the pursuit of happiness, this is a great way to get the kids involved.

Simplify Your Possessions

Consider reading a book by Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing.

I found that this book showed me just how little we can get by on.

I wouldn’t say I immediately tossed out every item that didn’t bring me joy.

But I have since minimized my personal belongings and I now consider the life-changing magic from this book every time I get the impulse to purchase something. And it has changed by purchasing habits greatly.

Most of us don’t realize the true expense of an excessive amount of personal possessions.

It’s not just money that these “things” cost us, but our attention, our time, and our energy too. Which I believe to be just as important as our monetary resources and should be protected and saved just as vigorously.

When you own less “things” you have more space to breath and explore, more time to spend with your loved ones, and more resources to use toward experiences.

To me, that is the best way to undertake the pursuit of happiness.

Simplify Your Relationships

Your relationships with your friends, family members, and even the internal relationship you have with yourself are all important to consider in the pursuit of happiness.

You can’t be truly happy if you’re constantly criticizing yourself, or feel ridiculed by your own family.

Start by forgiving the past and focusing your attention on the positivity in your life.

For me, it’s about remembering to say no to gossip and sometimes just not saying anything at all. It can be easy to get wrapped up in negative conversations, especially when you call it “venting”.

But does it really add to your happiness?

Nurture the good relationships in your life. Take the time to strengthen your marriage, your friendships, or your relationships extended family members.

Don’t waste your time on people who bring you down.

Simplifying your pursuit of happiness isn’t about making the journey easier. It’s about simplifying your definition of happiness.

Is it about big checks and new cars? Or is happiness about strong relationships and having fun? You get to decide for yourself.
